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Does Medicare Cover Hearing Services? Original Medicare does not include additional hearing services
(ex. hearing aids/fittings, routine testing and exams) but some Medicare Advantage plans do.

Hearing Care is an important part of healthcare.

Believe it or not, hearing loss can happen at any age. Whenever it happens, there are options available to help with restoring your hearing. The truth is, the odds of experiencing hearing loss only increase with age. It’s not surprising that many seniors are diagnosed with hearing problems. In many cases, hearing aids are recommended by medical professionals for these patients as a way to preserve their quality of life. The increasing cases of senior hearing difficulties should convince you of the importance of routine hearing checkups*. Like most medical devices, hearing aids and exams can cost a significant amount of money. Unfortunately, Original Medicare (Parts A and B) does not usually cover most hearing services, including hearing exams, hearing aids, or testing and fitting procedures for hearing devices. While some diagnostic hearing tests may be covered by Original Medicare (if ordered by a doctor in relation to other medical conditions that may affect hearing) People who are only enrolled in Original Medicare Parts A and B are usually required to pay for their hearing aid costs completely out-of-pocket. Thankfully, many Medicare Advantage plans, also known as Medicare Part C plans, may offer hearing coverage, that may include coverage for hearing aid tests, fittings, and/or the devices themselves. Getting the right hearing coverage under your health insurance plan can be a great way to ensure that your needs are well-managed should any hearing difficulties arise.*https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/hearing-loss-common-problem-older-adults


Routine Hearing Exams

If you are aged 65 or older, it’s usually a good idea to have your hearing tested regularly by a doctor. With many Medicare Advantage plans, these exams are covered at no additional premium cost to you.

Hearing Aid Devices

If you find that you are in need of a certified hearing aid or other hearing-enhancement device, wouldn’t you like the comfort of knowing that that device may likely be covered by a Medicare Advantage plan? Many Medicare Advantage plans may provide some coverage for hearing aids and other hearing devices.

Personalized Fitting and Testing Procedures for Hearing Devices

Once you realize that you are in need of a functional hearing aid or hearing-enhancement device, you will need to undergo fitting and testing procedures to ensure that your device meets your specific needs. This process may be covered by some Medicare Advantage plans if the plan includes a hearing aid benefit.

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